Brazil Recruitment Outsourcing Solutions

Page Outsourcing and the local reality

In recent years, the region has undergone a process of transformation and evolution in human capital. The growing competitive Brazilian market, that has seen the emergence of new jobs, changes in working methodologies and other trends, such as nearshoring, shared service centres and digital transformation, has increased the importance of hiring specialised professionals. Consequently, companies need to understand how to attract highly demanded profiles in a short period of time.

Page Outsourcing’s recruitment solutions are perfect for challenges like:

  • Rapid team expansion for operations, technology, sales, and administration
  • Full or partial recruitment process outsourcing, including external recruitment as well as internal mobility and management of candidate attraction channels
  • Recruitment consulting, supporting clients evolving their talent attraction processes, creating market intelligence, developing active talent mapping, recruitment training and other services

Page Outsourcing Services

Desenvolvemos soluções que são desenhadas sob medida para ajudar nosso clientes a escalar sua operação através do recrutamento, avaliando os candidatos com base nas competências técnicas e comportamentais requeridas e assegurando a compatibilidade do perfil com a cultura da empresa.

Nossos serviços se adaptam perfeitamente às particularidades de cada região e, graças à nossa presença global, temos um profundo conhecimento em outros mercados, de modo que podemos fornecer soluções de contratação por volume em toda a América Latina.

Além disso, seguimos o processo de recrutamento do cliente com métodos rigorosos de mensuração de performance.

We have a model that works across multiple industries and supports all types of businesses with the following solutions:

RPO ON DEMAND / Project on demand

  • Ideal for permanent hiring, ensuring rapid scalability and supply for periods of seasonality
  • Execution of the full recruitment cycle for key positions or areas within the organisation
  • Hiring, training and management of a team based on the clients need
  • Continuous performance indicators for the recruitment cycle
  • Support in the admission process

RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing)

  • Complete outsourcing solution of a part or the entire talent attraction process through long-term contracts
  • Full cycle of attraction, recruitment, and selection of professionals o   Diagnosis of the current process and improvement plan, ensuring implementation and change management
  • Hiring, training and management of a team dedicated exclusively to a client
  • Management of productivity and performance indicators for decision making


  • Assessments for evaluation of potential, development, readiness, and succession
  • Market mapping: workforce availability, turnover and absenteeism rates, unemployment rate and forecasting of market conditions
  • Candidates mapping: training, compensation and benefits package, R&D, incentives, availability for moving and languages

Why trust Page Outsourcing?

We are part of the PageGroup, a group with vast recruitment experience, with over +8,000 people worldwide and present in over 37 countries, that provides support, vigour and a global perspective to all our services. In addition, we provide a warranty on our contracts to ensure that you find exactly what you are looking for.

What are the 4 stages of our services?


Solution Development



Page Outsourcing: A solution for each organisation

Fornecemos soluções sob medida para as necessidades da sua empresa, apoiando sua transformação estratégica com agilidade e escalabilidade.

A jornada de recrutamento do candidato é 100% customizada. Nenhum contrato é igual, cada cliente tem um processo e um sistema de recrutamento e seleção próprio.

Para garantir o sucesso, mantemos contato direto com o cliente e fornecemos reuniões periódicas de fornecemos reuniões periódicas de acompanhamento de resultados.

What are the 4 benefits of our services?

Focus on data and technology

We constantly measure and optimise our processes and we strive to obtain the most innovative technology available.

Regional and global scalability

We offer wide-ranging services within Latin America, but also in North America, Europe, Middle East, and Asia-Pacific.

Flexibility and bespoke solutions

Our clients are our priority, which is why we dedicate all the necessary resources to ensure their satisfaction.

Assertiveness and expertise

We have a consultative and open approach, backed by over 40 years’ experience in recruitment and selection.

Do you need a customised recruitment solution? Get in touch with our team.

Your contact with Page Outsourcing in Brazil

Ariane Israel


E-mail | Phone


Letícia Valente

Associate Director

E-mail | Phone


Julia Tomas

IT Project & RPO Manager

E-mail | Phone


Priscila Gonçalves

IT Project & RPO Manager

E-mail | Phone
